The Gabriel-Glas
One for all – unbelievable wine enjoyment.
Pessimists are ostracized because in this case they describe the glass as half full rather than half empty. Optimists would never fill a wine glass half full. The modern way to optimally enjoy the intense taste of wine lies in the small quantities. The wine in the glass should be presented optimally.
Through intense collaboration with professional glass designers and the renowned wine critic René Gabriel the unique GABRIEL-GLAS© was born; medium-sized, elegant and affordable. Where expert glass creation meets the knowledgeable connoisseur. Pure enjoyment! Every day! Every wine! Cheers!
A frequently asked question: What is the difference between the Gabriel Glas Gold Edition and the Gabriel Glas StandArt? The answer is quite simple: The difference amounts to about 60 grams. The shape and the size are identical! And upon closer observation and especially at tastings there are some slight and also some more obvious differences! And last but not least there is a perceptible* difference in the feel of the Gabriel Glas Gold Edition.
* The active feel of the size, contours, surface texture, weight etc. of an object by integrating all skin senses and depth sensitivity is considered haptic perception. …
The StandArt glass!
Shouldn’t it be Standard? When coining the name of the cheaper machine produced Gabriel Glas I created a new concept. As usually “standard” means the norm or what is normal. But the unique Gabriel Glas is more like a work of art. And this is what we call “art.” Thus, “StandArt” is defined as somewhere between the norm and art.
To produce this glass, we always book a very state-of-the art production machine for one to two days as needed. At the “Rona” manufacturer in Lednike Rovne (which is in Northern Slovakia) shift workers produce respectively about 30,000 glasses.
Using a refined, ingenious production technology there are no seams on this lead-free, dishwasher-safe glass and thus there are no more weak points. So the glass is surprisingly robust despite its light weight. The weight is ca. 150 g. Even the StandArt version provides incredible wine enjoyment and in comparisons has left the well-known competing products in the dust.
Scope of use: for private daily use, for catering, wine tasting and of course in restaurants.
The Gold Edition glass!
Gold is a precious metal. That’s common knowledge! In association with our name we are calling it “very precious glass.” It is the lightest wine glass in the world produced in significant quantities! The shape is identical to the StandArt Glas. With minimal deviations that may increase enjoyment. Because they are handmade we are able to produce each glass precisely down to the millimeter which we figured out during its creation for maximum wine enjoyment. Also the glass is usually produced by Rona in Northern Slovakia. While we produce 30,000 StandArt glasses in a day, in this case we’re talking about quite different quantities, combined with a much bigger time commitment.
For the Gabriel Glas Gold Edition we hire a specially trained production team because every glassblower does not have the skill to blow these unique glasses. In two shifts these specially trained glass blowers alone produce within 5 days 3,000 glasses. Actually usually more are produced, but due to the limits of how many glasses can be manufactured a high failure rate is built in and thus through strict quality control only the most perfect of glasses are selected. In view of this of course the ultralight glass (weight 90 grams) will cost substantially more. Compared to the competing products on the market we are the most attractive. We want to encourage the true wine connoisseurs to switch to our product. The Gabriel Glas Gold Edition is lead-free, dishwasher safe and has no weak points.
cope of use: for private use for wine connoisseurs, for rare wine tasting and in upscale restaurants.
150 g |
machine blown |
90 g |
mouth blown |
Our Secret is the Bouquet Drive.
Every little detail, each millimeter matters when it comes to wine enjoyment. And this is why you will experience such incredible enjoyment with the GABRIEL-GLAS©
We’ll start with the foot: The flat execution provides stability and elegance to the glass. The weight of the foot determines whether the glass has the proper balance in your hand. And in conjunction with the length of the stem, which is designed in a barely perceptible x-shape, it can also be elegantly held with all five fingers.
The glass cup itself combines several, extremely important features that differ significantly from the conventional wine glass!
The lowest cup portion is held in a slightly outwardly curved V-shape. With this design a small amount of wine creates a «push-up» effect and reaches the largest surface area in the glass. This is ideal for rare wine tastings, for winemakers, who provide tastings, for restaurateurs, who offer bottles of wine as an eighth or tenth of a liter and for private enjoyment because even in a half empty glass so much fragrance is absorbed.
In the center of the bottom of the glass there is a V-triangle that provides maximal color density. Unfortunately, many expensive wines often lose much of their original color in a flat-bottomed glass and then appear rather thin which creates a less attractive first impression.
The largest width of 95 millimeters allows a certain instant decanting effect, in that the just poured wine gets a lot of air. This precisely calculated width also allows not only the “fast”, highly volatile substances to spread, but also the “slow” aromas to develop, because, as with spirits, the nose of a wine consists of a top, heart and base note. The selected width guarantees even the enjoyment of Pinot, Chardonnay and classic Syrahs. No other universal glass can do that!
The position of the widest area in the glass is only 90 millimeters from the glass rim. This permits a maximum of conversation with the wine and there is no loss of flavor as usually occurs with a longer distance.
The lower, special glass shape provides an incredible «bouquet-drive»! While in normal bulbous glasses the wine moves like thick bangles centrifugally through the glass and this action causes the aromas to be caught like hamsters on a wheel. With the GABRIEL-GLAS©, however, fine ranging turbines are created, which propel the released aromas upward in a multifaceted spiral and bring out a never before experienced perfume from the wine.
The glass shape between the bowl and rim is subtly conically curved inward. This allows for optimal bundling of the bouquet. When drinking the wine, the heavy volatile substances are again mixed with the lighter flavors, because they are overturned like the action when a wave breaks. This phenomenon is not possible in a bulbous glass.
The decisive factor is the chosen opening of the glass that measures exactly 66 millimeters. If the opening is too small (especially with bulbous glasses) a greasy film may form on the bouquet that conceals the aromas. If the opening is too large, the aromas are lost and the bouquet cracks, gets dry or disintegrates completely. It is right at this point that the GABRIEL-GLAS© delivers the maximal complexity of the wine and the very thin film above the «nose game» binds all the subtle aromas into one dream bouquet.
When enjoying the wine, the entire nose can be placed in the glass and makes drinking it easier because you do not have to move your entire head backwards to allow the wine to flow onto your palate. Moreover, before the very much anticipated first sip, one is very close to the bouquet. Very important: The wine flows much broader in the Gabriel-Glas in contrast to the normal bulbous glasses and distributes the wine more broadly on the tongue so that each tiny taste bud is reached.
The machine blown GABRIEL-GLAS© weighs only 150 grams.
The mouth blown Gold Edition weighs only 90 grams..
Because both versions are produced using a single manufacturing process (bowl and stem!) their break resistance is extraordinary. The glasses are so stable that they can be washed in the dishwasher without any worries.
High quality crystal glass is used for both variations (standard and gold edition), which compared to lead crystal is stronger, more scratch resistant and break-resistant.
This is what our customers say:
Jean-Denis Lutz schreibt…
Ich habe Ihre Gold Edition Gläser an der ersten Weinmesse im Sihlcity gekauft – zusammen mit dem danebenstehenden Chateau Giscours 2006. Sie haben also Recht gehabt – die Gläser sind zwar die feinsten jemals von mir erlebten, dennoch unglaublich robust. Der Wein in diesem Glas schmeckt einfach immer eine Klasse besser. Seit ein paar Jahren nun geniesse ich meine Weine NUR noch in diesem Glas.
Nun ist es aber heute doch mal noch passiert, dass mir ein Glas beim abtrocknen aus den Händen geglitten ist. Interessanterweise brach es nur am Stiel. Das Glas an sich hat den Sturz überlebt, unglaublich. Ich habe nun eine Bestellung für den Ersatz in Auftrag gegeben.
Alles Gute und auf bald.
Ihr treuer Weinglastrinker
Jean-Denis Lutz
Daniel Bouziri, Inhaber Bouziri Consulting schreibt:
Ich habe kürzlich Ihr Glas getestet und bewertet! Ich finde es Klasse und kann es nur weiterempfehlen!
Paul Gregutt schreibt in seinem Waitsburg Cellars Newsletter:
What We Are Drinking
We are drinking some wonderful aged wines from the cellar, along with plenty of refreshing, chillable whites and rosés as we are in the midst of a record-setting heat wave. But apart from the wines, the most interesting new drinking wrinkle is the stemware. I have recently been introduced to a thrilling new wine glass from Gabriel-Glas, and had a chance to chat with designer René Gabriel about this innovative stemware.
I have been especially impressed by the aromatics released by this design, and René confirmed this.
“The main point of the glass,” he explained, “is to easily allow all the flavors coming up to your nose. I learned by doing this glass more about tasting wine and getting the flavors out. The largeness of the bottom is important. It’s like decanting on your nose. The second important factor is the distance from the liquid to your nose. And third, the opening of the glass is incredibly important. If too small, it doesn’t allow flavors out. If too open, it dissipates the flavors. These three elements are the secret to the glass.”
The glass was first introduced (via somms and wineries) in Austria, and is now making its North American debut. There are two versions – hand blown and machine made. Both are light as a feather, yet strong enough for the daily washings I give them. The website says they are dishwasher safe, but I’ll let someone else try that!
For a more detailed overview, visit
MW Bob Campbell
Es schrieb MW Bob Campbell aus Neuseeland: Artikel
Fritz Hutter
Es schrieb Fritz Hutter: Lieber Rene` Erst mal möchte ich Dir und Deiner Karin von Herzen Alles Gute für das Neue Jahr wünschen !!!! Ich komme gerade aus dem Keller zurück, und hab die 14er Fassweine probiert. 1x mit Riedel Chardonnay und einmal mit Gabriel , wirklich erstaunlich welcher Unterschied , aus dem Gabrielglas um mind. 50 % besser !!! Ja der Jg. 14 , war ja wirklich nicht leicht , und ich wundere mich ehrlich, daß aus solchen ( wirklich nicht schönen ) Trauben , durch Handselektion und besonders schonender Verarbeitung doch ( wie es sich im Moment zeigt ) auch sehr gute und auch hervorragende Weine entstehen konnten. Der Jg. 13 ist jetzt ( z. Teil noch im Fass ) optimal reif und legt sicher noch zu. Wenn Ihr wieder mal in der Wachau seid, lade ich Euch herzlich ein, uns zu besuchen, und die ( sicherlich interessanten ) Weine zu verkosten. mit herzlichem Gruß aus Mautern : Fritz Hutter III.
Rainer Schönfeld
Thomas File, österreichischer Diplom-Sommelier
Es schrieb Thomas File, österreichischer Diplom-Sommelier: Artikel
Roman Niewodniczanski
Es schrieb Roman Niewodniczanski vom Weingut Van Volxem:
Ich kann Dir kaum in Worten beschreiben, wie sehr mich dieses Glas begeistert! Unsere ohnehin schon duftbetonten Weine sind in diesem Glas noch viel beeriger und harmonischer, also in jedem anderen zuvor getesteten Glas – ohne das der zugegeben nur moderat vorhandene Alkohol in irgendeiner Art stören könnte. Ich bin somit wirklich begeistert und freue mich schon sehr darauf, bald bei der Präsentation meiner Weine komplett auf dieses herrlich leichte Glas umsteigen zu können.
René Graf
Es schrieb René Graf, Obersocken:
Immer, wenn ich meinen Schrank mit den Gläsern öffne, kommen leichte Hassgefühle Ihnen gegenüber auf, die ich aber sofort wieder unterdrücke. Ich besitze nämlich eine stattliche Anzahl Weingläser wie z.B. Zalto, Spiegelau oder Willsberger. Seit ich aber vor einigen Monaten das Gabriel-Glas gekauft habe, kann ich zuhause aus keinem andern Glas als aus Ihrem Gabriel-Glas mehr Wein geniessen. Daher meine Frage: Besteht die Möglichkeit, meine alten Weingläser einzuschmelzen und in Gabriel-Gläser (am liebsten Goldedition) umzutauschen? 🙂
The StandArt glass
approx. 150 grams, machine made, Find out more
The Gold Edition glass
approx. 90 grams, mouth blown, Find out more
Gabriel-Glas Full-Sets
Connoisseurs will love this gift.